
Prospectus of Japanese Society for Medical Gases

April 1997

In recent years, the importance of medical gases has increased in tandem with the development of medicine. Hence, the use of gases - such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, anesoxyn and ethylene oxide - and the invaluable roles they play in clinical medicine on a day to day basis are now common knowledge.

Indeed, in recent times, new gaseous products, like carbon monoxide, xenon, helium and stable isotope, are being spotlighted. Likewise, there are more and more opportunities for the use of reference gases for various tests like the pulmonary function tests and blood gas analysis tests as well as gases used for artificial air, liquid helium for superconductive MRI units and liquid nitrogen for cooling. Thus, with the ever-evolving diversification of medical gases, fruitful prospects have started to come into view as we turn into the 21st century.

Nevertheless, the gases in actual use in clinical medicine range from those that have been established as being comparatively safe to those that remain under experimental use; therefore, each medical gas must be investigated both continually and thoroughly from here on. In other words, it is the unrelenting duty of the society to prevent accidents related to medical gases as well as improve the safety of gases as pharmaceuticals. Moreover, with regard to facilities and devices using medical gases, there is a need for greater education and clarification at clinical sites to ensure safety, with many pressing problems to be discussed to clear the way for a bright horizon in the future, including problems in maintenance, preparation and inspection of equipment.

Amidst these circumstances up to now, medical gases have not been put at the center of any discussions in Japan. Therefore, bringing together researchers, clinicians, clinical engineers and treatment stakeholders who are interested in medical gases to exchange opinions across a broad spectrum of issues would be deeply significant in achieving development in medicine related to medical gases as well as accommodating the needs of our times.

As you all know, the International Society for Medical Gases already has started activities, and proposals are underway to establish branches throughout all regions. Likewise, the opportunity is building up for a society to be established in Japan to liaise with the international one. Thus, thanks to the demand and support of all concerned, we have come to the point of establishing the Japanese Society for Medical Gases.

In this way, the Japanese Society for Medical Gases will research, teach and debate matters pertaining to medical gases and related areas, improve supply technologies as well as endeavor to contribute to improvements in overall safety of chemical gases.

The society looks forward to the understanding and support of everyone to implement the above-stated initiatives..

Japanese Society for Medical Gases